Responsive Resource Series: Wool- Seminar
As part of our Responsive Resource Series we are talking about wool. On the 06/11/23 we hosted a panel discussion questioning the state of the wool industry in the UK. The Panel was Hosted by Sam Buckley - Chef
Joined by
-Eve Taylor - Knitwear Designer
-Joanne Wood - Shepherd
-Mark Wilkinson -Representative of the Wool Board
-Jo Sharples - Architect at Editional Studios
It is unarguable that as a natural resource wool is extremely versatile and with the right skill and technology could be honed as a valuable material across a number of industries. From construction, fashion and horticulture it has been proved that wool is always the most ecologically efficient material in a range of solutions but what are the drawbacks? Why is it not utilised to its full potential?
Is there a way in which this under utilised natural resource can be used to bolster not only our nations economy but both local and agricultural economies too?
Can wool be used to add value to our workforce through applied skills and technology?
Is a future of utilising wool a future that aims closer to ecologically minded industrial practice bringing us closer to our net zero carbon goals?
Though a series of talks, workshops and community art projects we open up this discussion to anyone who has a stake or wants a say. We are eager to learn more about this commodity through artistic practice and discourse.
It was brilliant to see the audience so engaged, made up off farmers, designers, artists and members of the local community who were interested in taking part in this discussion, opening up ideas as to how we might reinvigorate this key practice to our historical and cultural fabric.